How To Get Adsense Approval On WordPress Website ? 100% Working Trick

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If you are facing rejection from Google Adsense and wants to know that how to get adsense approval on wordpress website , then this article is very helpful for you. We have got approval on over 30 websites on different categories and languages and our experience can help you in your blogging journey too. First let’s start with some basic steps :

Create an Adsense Account

First you need to create an Google Adsense Account , to do this go to the official website of , then follow these steps :

  1. Click on Get Started
  2. Select Your Email Id (Important)
  3. Fill your information
  4. You have successfully created your adsense account

Now you need to apply for a review for your website so google can judge your content and approve it to serve ads , but before doing it make sure that you followed steps given below.

How To Get Adsense Approval On WordPress Website ? 100% Working Trick

Write on High CPC Keywords

We know that you have made your website on a specific topic or category but it is important in the initial days that you publish articles targeting high CPC keywords. When the adsense team will see your website , they will find a great chance of high earning so the chance of getting approval will increase.

  1. Finance
  2. Mobiles
  3. Laptops
  4. Banking
  5. Cars

These are some of the categories in which you can work on initial days and we observed that it increases the chances to get approval from adsense on wordpress website. Although there are many other niches which you can work on.

Select Ad Friendly WordPress Theme

It is important that you choose an ad friendly WP theme on your site to get approval from adsense. Remember that a good theme can help you in many things such as SEO , schema , website load speed , better audience engagement and many more . When audience will like your content then not only adsense, but other advertisement groups will also want to publish there ads on your site. Here is the list of Top 5 WordPress Themes for Adsense Approval .

How To Get Adsense Approval On WordPress Website ? 100% Working Trick

Now Submit Your Website For Review

Now as you have followed the main steps , there are lot of chances that you will get approval from adsense. Now you should submit your website for a review and then you can run ads on your website. To submit it , follow these steps :

  1. Open Your Adsense Account
  2. Go to “Sites”
  3. Click on “Add Sites”
  4. Paste your site’s URL there
  5. Click on Request Review

You also need to put the ad code on the header section if your website but it may be difficult for some of you so you can watch video tutorials for that. If you follow these steps , you can easily chet adsense approval , but still you are having some issue then you can follow the last step :

Buy An Expired Domain

We are sure that if you follow the above steps then you will soon get adsense approval ,but some times your condition can be an exception . In this case , if you have tried everything and still struggling to get adsense approval then you can buy a good expired domain which can be helpful for this type of condition.

We observed that an expired domain gets adsense approval sooner then normal sites , although Content is King in both the conditions , but it happens because of previous authority . Remember , selecting a perfect expired domain is not very easy , so make sure that you do a proper research about this topic .

Adsense Approval Tricks

You can also check out our post about Top 5 Tips For Instant Adsense Approval which can help you in this topic. We have also made a dedicated video on this topic which you can find on our YT and also feel free to contact us on our instagram for any kind of free consultation about your website. If you like our content then rate this post and subscribe our Youtube Channel. Thanks for visiting us .

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